Religious Garbage Exposed
You Can Hear Abba Too
Twisting Scripture
Religion VS Grace
Can We Unite
The Bottom Line
Three Views  by Tom Talbott
The salvation of 125 inmates tes
Comfort and Hope
Perceptions of Purpose
The Gobbledygook Gospel
What U.R. Is All About
No Security
The Littlest Duck
Once Saved Always Saved?
Can Christians Become Atheists
Tony and Mrs. Turpin
Absolute Assurance
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Audio Books
God Never Gives Up
Dear David
Listen To Real Audio of Charles & Paula
IF God truly does "honor free will" as most hell-based churches insist, then to be logical, it HAS TO BE like this:
God zaps into existance Johnny, a rather ordinary looking guy who looks about age 30 something.
"Hi Johnny!", cheerfully says God. "I'm offering you the free gift of existence and life in a world called planet earth filled with other people just like you!"
"Wow! That would be swell!" says Johnny.
"YES, I think it can be, but I need to tell you a few things before I put you in the world I'm telling you about", says God. "I think it's only just and fair that I do so."
Johnny full of innocence smiles shyly, scratches his chin and replies, "Okay, sir. I'm interested in hearing what you have to say."
"Well", says God, a bit hesitantly, "to be brutally honest, my gift of life is more like a gamble or an opportunity than it is a gift, but I'm bringing you into a world filled with beauty, ecstasy , love, fun and adventure. But it is even more filled with injustice, disfiguring disease, disappointment, danger, pain and sorrow. And the reason I'm wanting to put you there is to let you wake up in that world TOTALLY FORGETTING that we had this conversation so that I can subject you to an experiment."
"Hmmm. . . please don't get mad at me for saying so, but this adventure already sounds rather dreadful to me. What is the experiment you want to have with me, if I'm permitted to ask?"
"I want you to choose to love Me unconditionally with all your heart and mind and soul and strength, and sing my praises constantly and tell everyone you meet how wonderful I am. If you will do this, despite the fact that you will never hear my voice audibly or see me in this world, I will let you live in heaven with me forever. But you must do all of this SINCERELY from a grateful heart, no matter what agonies and losses i let you experience, and you must always ask my forgiveness when you fail to meet your side of the bargain. And. . .if you go into a a rage and die in a state of withdrawal from me, I will
send you to hell to punish you with burning fire for all eternity. But I will always love you, nevertheless. Is this acceptable with you?"
Johnny is aghast and beginning to shudder and weep.
"What's the problem, Johnny?" God sweetly inquires.
"I don't think I can handle the kind of life you're telling me about, dear God. Will you please just zap me back to nothing since I don't want to be an experiment?"
God sighs. Then He scowls and says, "All right, you ungrateful wretch! Have it your way!"
No more Johnny forevermore.
In conclusion, I will say that unless God FIRST consults our free will BEFORE WE ARE BORN then the whole notion of God honoring free will is a mega load of garbage.

Charles & Paula Slagle
PO Box 211447
Bedford TX 76095
Phone: (214) 282-5505
This page was last updated on 01/03/12.
PO Box 13942
Tuscon AZ 85732